International Young Catholic Students

What We Do
The International Young Catholic Students (IYCS), also known as Young Christian Students, has its roots in the development of several YCS National Movements in the late 1920’s, which grew in the spirit of the Specialized Catholic Action Movements that were inspired by
Joseph Cardinal Cardijn (the founder of Young Catholic Workers)
Our Main Focus
To evangelize the student milieu and promote the student apostolate among students, at both secondary and tertiary levels, by responding to their needs and by stressing their responsibility in all aspects of their lives (school, university, family, etc.) in the Church’s mission and in the world;
To bring together students seeking community, formation and action, in the framework of the Catholic Church, at the local, national, continental and global levels;
To promote global solidarity, freedom, justice and peace to work with all concerned women and men for joint reflection and action leading to a more just and equitable social order;
To give students resources, pedagogies and methodologies to help them integrate their Christian faith in their lives at all levels and in their efforts to build a more just society;
To be a voice for the student members by representing them in regional and international forums.