Figure of speakers and participants Webinar.
On Friday, May 13, 2020, at 2 PM, Young Catholic Student (YCS) Indonesia held an Online Seminar (via Zoom) on the theme “Psychological Mentoring of Young People in the New Normal Era”. There are two speakers in this seminar: Yohana Ratrin Hestyanti (Animator and Lecturer in Psychology at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) and Sunardi Ginting (Animator and Lecturer in Management at Widya Dharma Pontianak University), with the moderator Lisa Esti Puji Hartanti (Animator YCS Indonesia and Lecturer in the Communication Science Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia). The participants of this event were 124 people consisting of students, chaplains, animators, teachers in school and universities.
We delivered the information about YCS Indonesia to the participant by Father Haryanto as the YCS Indonesian Chaplain. He explains about YCS Indonesia particularly on history, organizational structure, members existing, and inviting from other schools to join YCS Indonesia. Then, Sunardi Ginting as a first speaker explained about the problems facing students during the pandemic crisis, and what they hoped for the future. He did some research on 1200 students in Pontianak, Kalimantan Island. The results were many students particularly in the rural area that have limited signal facilities and have financial constraints to buy the internet data, they tried to keep online learning even they should learn in the forest, on the tree, beside the river, on the boat, etc, because of the availability of signal in that place. Besides that, the psychological pressure was also the main problem. They are afraid of not passing this semester's course because of the difficulties of joining the online class. Many hope from the student that lectures could come back face to face. But they tried to adapt to the situation and want to become changemakers to make new habits in a new era of normalcy.
Yohana Ratrin as a second speaker explained that the data from Sunardi Ginting made us sad but proud that our student had high motivation to study in this Pandemic situation. Pandemics change us, particularly the old habits of getting together. Yohana invites us to adapt to new habits after pandemics, even this is not easy but we need to go through the process. Flexibility is the key to cope with this situation. When we experience psychological stress, we should realize that stress. The goal is to reduce intense emotions so that you can think clearly. So, we can help our students to release the stress, one of them through personal greetings online, such as before we teach, we can say hello as personally to them. Besides that, we could create events or activities that reduce boredom, such as singing together.
YCS Indonesia held this event with the aim to give the information and knowledge to help the mentor in school, university, parochial, diocese, and the informal group going with the young people to cope with the psychological problem particularly facing the pandemic crisis and new normal era. This event collaborated with the members of YCS Indonesia are Campus Ministry from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, De La Salle University in Manado, Widya Mandira Catholic University in Kupang, Widya Dharma Pontianak University, Development Community College Sint Ursula in Ende and Hidup Television as the national television of Catholic. So, this event can be seen in the link: https://youtu.be/x0RsZs2Gpt8

Figure of Event Flyer